"Acta: En el pueblo de Tehuacán a 16 días del mes de marzo de 1660 el Sr. Dr. Manuel de Escalante y Mendoza en virtud de las cédulas de su majestad cuya ejecución y cumplimiento le es cometida por el Excmo. Duque de Albuquerque se inserte con pie y cabeza de ella y mandamiento de su excelencia hacia e hizo gracia y merced a este dicho pueblo de Nuestra Señora de la Concepción de Tehuacán del título y nombre de Tehuacán Ciudad de Indios para que de aquí en adelante y para siempre jamás se pueda titular e intitule, la Ciudad de Nuestra Señora de la Concepción y Cueva."
ACTA: In the town of Tehuacan to 16 days of March 1660 Mr. Escalante and Dr. Manuel Mendoza under the bonds of His Majesty the execution and fulfillment you are committed by the Hon. Duke of Albuquerque insert foot and head with it and command excellence towards grace and mercy and made this the people of Our Lady of the Conception of the Tehuacán ,Tehuacán title and name City Indians to hereinafter and forever and holder, the City of Our Lady of Conception and Cave.
Shield awarded the city in the year 1660.
A quartered shield:
In the first quarter is the black eagle on a cactus with two arrows in the right claw and one crossed by the legs and left three cornstalks with ears of gold which the natives call Miahuatl in the blue field.
The second quarter, with a black eagle on a white field with golden beak and put a paw on a teponaxtle golden and the other lifting and grabbing two arrows and the right side of the eagle one ayacaxtle or rattle that is playing an instrument and natives dancing and a drum just below and to the left side of teponaxtle both sides, and below a Quetzal or bundle of feathers.
In the third quarter a blanket that made the shot and the end of their guns a red flower in her tongue and a bird called Tlaxochitl biting a flower at the foot of a tree that kills as coming from him, who call their language mesquite and left a castle on a hill that has a large cave underneath and near the castle some red and white stones, four pockets having said castle out three arrows on the one hand and between the first and second top maixquahuitl get an instrument with which fought in antiquity and in the other two side pockets two arrows left and go through them in one maixquahuitl.
In the fourth quarter a head like that is freshly beheaded by a hand coming out of the left that has slope of hair from the right side and the other hand holding a bow and grabbed amid quartered head Chimalpopoca, and as a crest, the Virgin of the Conception.
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